K v i n t
KVINT is an acronym composed of the first letters of the Russian phrase “brandies, wines, and beverages of Tiraspol”.
The history of the Tiraspol Winery & Distillery “KVINT” dates back to 1897 when this enterprise was set up by the government to distill 40% vodka from grapes. The production of Divin started four decades later – the first wine-distilled spirits were put for aging in oak barrels in 1938.
Nowadays KVINT is among the leaders of the wine industry of Moldova, annually outputting over 20 million bottles of the noble Divin, superior wines, crystal-clear vodka, brandy, calvados, and gin, which successfully compete with world-renowned brands.
KVINT is a major vine-grower in Moldova, more than half of its personnel are involved in the agricultural sector. During the vinification season, the manpower engaged in harvesting can vary from 800 to 1500 people.
Unsere Geschichte
G e g r ü n d e t i m J a h r 1 8 9 7
The policy of the company in the domain of resources and power supply is to be independent as much as possible from the municipal services. There is a 100-meter deep artesian well on the factory’s premises: spring water naturally enriched with useful minerals undergoes a 5-step purification process using a sophisticated water-treatment plant by German company “VEOLIA Water Solutions”.
K v i n t
Super Grand Prix Trophy: 3
Grand Prix Trophy: 18
Double gold medal: 9
Gold medal: 172
Solver medal: 63
Bronze medal: 12
Commended medal: 3
Golden diploma: 1
Honorary diploma: 3
1. Place: 6
The quality of KVINT products was proven by numerous awards (more than 280) at high-ranking interna- tional contests in Belgium (Brussels), UK (London), China (Guangzhou), Germany (Düsseldorf, Leipzig, Frankfurt), USA (San-Francisco, Chicago). Recognition from the globally renowned professionals is an evi- dence of the acme quality of our unparallel and outstanding alcoholic beverages.